Money! And what is more?
For money to live? Hmm, betterīs nothing.
Money rule us, who knows its power,
I please all the saints come to help.

Money is all for you: love, every emotion,
Just touch it, that a gods felling!
For money a friend betrays you sometimes,
And thatīs why I beggin fear from it.

Money is monster , you shall fear it,
Not to give all of your spirit.
Slavery of money will doomed us,
Last piece of humanity in you just burned out .

Money will destroy you, so defence youself from them,
Or you pay them a bloody tax.
Nonsence of currency, doubts of banks,
You donīt see and falling in doom like russian tanks.

Money! And what happens?
Now they tying me, you shouldnīt to have them!
You betrayed love and liberty for it,
So now you can lie under train, under the train, I donīt care!
